Eakouts appear. You may be suffering from persistent, recurring skin breakouts that occur in the same region. Here are the most commonly reported causes of acne on the cheeks:
Perhaps you’re not aware of the issue until you see more acne-prone areas on the lips, jawline and in the area around your mouth or cheeks, when you use an ointment or a mask made of cotton. Face masks can contain bacteria, oil and perspiration which can stimulate acne.
To further confuse matters to make things more confusing, often the “acne” you’re trying to fight isn’t actually an acne issue this could be the reason why the usual acne creams aren’t working or could be making the condition worse. If your breakouts occur on your forehead, hairline and chest and are characterized by small, red, itchy pimples of similar size, there’s a possibility that you’re suffering from fungal acne.
If you apply spot treatments at every sign of an acne pimple, you can raise your hand. Samantha Wright is a Dangene Institute certified aestheticist and recommends against excessive treatment. Treatments available over the counter such as salicylic acid benzoyl Peroxide, sulfur can dry the skin, causing it to produce more oil and, consequently pimples. Additionally, the active components could mildly cause irritation to the outer layer of skin making it appear red and raw if used often and in excess.
Make an appointment with us by calling us. appointment in case you have concerns about breaking out. btv51i9n4n.