What You Should Know About Interior Basement Drainage Systems – EDUCATION WEBSITE


The possibility of water damage is eliminated from an unfinished basement. This helps reduce the possibility of costly flooding damage when it is installed correctly.

Basement drainage systems in the basement could also be non-active. This means they rely on gravity to transport the water towards its ultimate destination. The system is not to be employed to drain water from household plumbing, or any other mechanical device that needs the removal of water.

Furthermore, these systems usually come with multiple redundancy options to avoid back-ups and clogging of the water in the system. The sump is installed in the basement walls at the bottom, before waterproofing can be applied. In the ideal scenario, there are “check valves” in your pipes.

The goal for an interior drainage device is to protect against water damage by collecting the liquid and transferring it away from the walls of the building and out to an exterior gutter or downspout. Specialists have designed these systems with options that stop clogging as well as water back-up. They shouldn’t use to drain the water in the home plumbing as it could cause back-up and possibly clogging.


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