I have turned down job offers before, all just because they did not offer dental insurance. I know that might sound petty or elitist, but having proper dental care insurance was something that my father always forewarned me about when job hunting.
This was not only because he understood the importance of having good teeth, but he also believed a business that provided its employees with good dentist care was a company that valued its employees. And a company that valued its employees was the kind of company you wanted to work for.
Things are tough, though. There are not many jobs out there that offer dental insurance, and the fact of the matter is, I eventually had to take a job without it out of necessity. This does not mean that I stopped going to the dentist or that I stopped taking my children there. It just means that I truly understand what my family needs, which is why I went out of my way to find affordable dental insurance.
A good dentist can do more than keep your teeth and mouth healthy. A good dentist can make you confident in yourself, and that confidence can mean the difference between having a great job interview and having a lousy one. Confidence can mean the difference between victory, and defeat. It is a thing you cannot put a price on, which is part of why having dental insurance is so important.
So if I had to leave you with one piece of advice, like I was giving a High School graduation speech, I would tell you to take care of your teeth, because no matter how old you are, or how much care your teeth need, there is always a smile or a mouth that could use some more tender, loving care.
Do you readers understand the importance of having dental insurance? Do you agree? Disagree? Comment and share your opinion on dental insurance.