How a Driver Runs a Successful 24 Hour Towing Company – Loyalty Driver

Towing equipment and tow truck can be manufactured by manufacturing custom-designed tow trucks. Their first invention that had real merit was the sidepuller. This device allows tow trucks to pull cars out from behind. Lean manufacturing has allowed Chuck Ceccarelli to reduce production time significantly. After 6 months of Lean manufacturing production times for the side puller decreased from 35 to 8 hours. The efficiency overall was 77% better.

With this method, every equipment box is set up precisely the same. Every worker must discover new methods to make sure that they are able to improve their productivity daily of 2 to 3 seconds. Chuck Ceccarelli believes that if they continue with this momentum and improve efficiency, they will be able to increase it to 10% by the close of the year. The result is a pure profit of $800,000.

The whole thing can be done without increasing sales not even one cent. Chuck Ceccarelli thinks that efficiency is the most important factor in achieving riches. In this regard, Chuck Ceccareli can be described as a fantastic model of a blue collar millionaire. Think about incorporating lean manufacturing in your business plan if considering starting a 24/7 towing business.


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